[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/rural-villagers-everyday-life.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uqXNONviEQendofvid
Take a look into the everyday life of rural villagers living with the basic necessities in Southern Burkina Faso... [endtext]

Rural Villagers Everyday Life

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/httpwww_14.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqrtKiy1db8endofvid
The S1A association is using "Humanitarian Hip-Hop" music to send their messages. Ra-Myth says "Humanitarian Hip-Hop is a new genre of music. For years, rap and hip-hop artists have been sending tainted messages encouraging our worlds youth to become obsessed with superficial things such as nice cars, expensive clothes, jewelry and women. Today, these youth are blinded by this type of facade to a limit that they become ingorant to far more important issues such as world hunger and HIV/AIDS in Africa. I lived in Metro-Detroit Michigan for 10 years, that's where I started with hip-hop music. I always had the point of view that change was needed in the hip-hop world but it wasn't until I went to Africa and saw first-handed the struggles that exist that I became inspired to become fully invested in making this kind of music. I hope that it inspires younger generations to take part in important humanitarian actions. They should remember, we can change the world, they just have to believe." [endtext]

Humanitarian Hip-Hop :"Invest in the Next of Kin"

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/oiseaux-de-mystere-mangeur-de-feu.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSxQXvfpTRo&feature=relatedendofvid
L'oiseau de mystère mange le Feu et chante sa musique traditionnelle. Tourné au Burkina Faso dans le grand village de Bobo Dioulasso en Mars 2010.[endtext]

Oiseaux de Mystere -Mangeur de Feu-

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/httpwww.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98P7QjPNB-8endofvid
Oiseau de Mystère -Limany Fake Traore et ses Enfants Chanter de la musique Traditionnelle du Burkina Faso[endtext]

Oiseau de Mystère - Limany Fake Traore et ses Enfants

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/programme-de-parrainage-burkina-faso.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLDtJfOzq-4endofvid
Prèsentation du programme de parrainage individuel de l'Association Humanitaire Franco-Burkinabè

Parrainer un enfant défavorisé, cest lui permettre d'aller à l'école,de bénéficier de fournitures scolaires, de nourriture pour lui même et sa famille, dêtre suivi médicalement.

Votre don bénéficie à un enfant sélectionné selon un critére de nécessité. Dés le début du parrainage, vous recevrez le dossier de votre filleul(le) ainsi que sa photo. De cette façon vous ferez connaissance avec son milieu scolaire et familial.

Vous recevrez en cours d'année son relevé de notes ainsi que son relevè médical, et aussi des courriers de lenfant. Dans un premier temps, vous correspondrez par l'intermédiaire de la référente, par la suite, lorsque vous aurez tissé des liens avec l'enfant, vous pourrez correspondre directement si vous le souhaitez.

le parrainage s'inscrit dans la durée. Il se poursuit tant que l'enfant est scolarisé dans un établissement où notre équipe locale peut assurer son suivi de manière rigoureuse. Le parrainage s'interromp si lenfant quitte l'école. En devenant Parrain ou Marraine d'un enfant, vous soutenez sa scolarisation, vous améliorez les conditions de vie de toute sa famille, vous leur redonner l'espoir , et vous participez aussi à une aide globale grâce au fond de solidarité.[endtext]

Programme de Parrainage - Burkina Faso

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/interview-chargee-de-la-mission.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwkU_kGUgrI&feature=relatedendofvid
Communication stratégique pour des actions humanitaires - Chargée de la Mission Humanitaire Conseil Regional PACA
Interview with Jean-Yves ASTRUC, head of the international humanitarian mission for the Conseil Regional PACA.
This interview serves as a support for the development of the Numeric Network for Public Utility and Humanitarian Organizations in the PACA region.
The interview was conducted by William Samuel Ravatua-Smith in the context of his Doctoral research with the I3M research laboratory at the Université du Sud Toulon-Var.[endtext]

Interview - Chargée de la Mission Humanitaire PACA, France

[postlink] https://s1acast.blogspot.com/2011/05/burkina-faso-build-school-project.html[/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHrERiZt16oendofvid
There is a true struggle that exists in Burkina Faso Africa today. Many elementary schools do not have adequate facilities to provide a descent educational environment. In 2009 this country was 4th to last on the Human Development Index. Yet, how can we expect a country to climb out of poverty when the children are not receiving a proper education? In this country, that is one of the least developed in the world, many villages do not even have access to proper sanitation facilities or potable drinking water not to mention descent educational facilities. To ensure a brighter future for this country rich in culture yet poor in development, the world must lend a helping hand.[endtext]

Burkina Faso - Build a School Project